The Greatest Treasure Hunts Start in Dorset

This autumn we’re celebrating artists and artisans who have been ‘Inspired by Dorset’. Gold Hill Museum is one of 12 across the county hosting special creative hands-on activities or celebrating artworks and local artists. Shaftesbury was the cradle of the Dorset Button cottage industry, founded in 1622 by Abraham Case. (You can read about Four Hundred Years of Dorset Buttons by clicking here ) Our volunteers are passionate about making Dorset Buttons and you can join them in free, drop-in Button Making Workshops on Monday 28 October or Friday 01 November. On both days the workshops run from 11a.m. to 1p.m. and 2p.m. to 4p.m. These are open to all from the age of 8. Children must be accompanied.

Dorset Button Mice
Basil, Lavender, Poppy, Rocket, Rosemary, and Snowdrop are our Dorset Button Mice; they are hiding in six different display cases in various rooms in Gold Hill Museum, waiting to be discovered by visitors of all ages.

Kits for making Dorset Buttons at home are on sale in the Museum Shop.

Whether you want to discover more about Alfred Stevens, ‘the Michelangelo of Great Britain’, Corfe Castle based artist Amy Krauss who created a beautiful miniature artwork for Queen Mary’s dolls house in Windsor Castle or the 400 year-old cottage industry of Dorset Button making, there’s plenty of amazing stories to discover this October and plenty of fun, hands on experiences to get involved with. There’s something for all ages and all interests. Follow in the footsteps of Dame Elisabeth Frink and become a ‘Wire Warrior’ and have a go at making your own costume armour, make a hobbyhorse, miniature masterpiece, origami lion or even have a go at stone carving on Portland! To start planning your inspirational autumn days out head to: and look out for posts on Visit Dorset’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Visit Dorset, Dorset Council’s tourism team is working with the Dorset Museums Association and Wimborne based agency, Fathom, to deliver this Shared Prosperity Government Funded campaign which aims to encourage local residents and visitors to explore Dorset’s amazing range of museums this October.