November News
Gold Hill Museum closed its doors at the end of the regular season on Sunday 01 November. About 25 of the volunteer stewards who contributed the 2580 hours required to keep the Museum open every day from 28 March attended a social event, at which they were thanked for their dedication. As a result 20,267 visitors were able to enjoy the permanent and temporary exhibitions, and make the donations and purchases which are the lifeblood of the Museum.
On Monday 02 November the Secretary and Treasurer of The Shaftesbury & District Historical Society attended the Shaftesbury in Bloom celebration evening wearing their gardening hats. They were surprised and delighted to receive first prize in the Gardens of Public Buildings category [photograph]. The Museum and its garden will be open to the public during the Shaftesbury Snowdrop Festival in February 2016, when there should be significantly more snowdrops on display, and an opportunity to try out a new garden seat donated by friends of the late Leonore Schafarik.
On Tuesday 01 December at 2.30p.m. Robert Lancaster will give a talk at Gold Hill Museum on the subject of “Dorset Clay Pipes”. Audience members are invited to bring samples for dating. This event is free to S&DHS members and visitors may pay £3 at the door. From 6 till 8.00p.m. on the evening of Friday 04 December visitors to the Museum and its shop can expect mulled wine and mince pies, while traditional Christmas Family Fun activities take place on the afternoon of Sunday 06 December.