Fire Brigade Cartoon

Tea and Talks – Tuesday 02 April 2.30pm

The Tea and Talks session provides an informal opportunity for members of The Shaftesbury & District Historical Society to share with others historical gems that they have discovered recently, as well as enjoy delicious home-made cake. This year Richard Clarke has observations on the Hinton St Mary Roman Mosaic; Kathie Clarke has been collecting Postcards of Old Shaftesbury; Ray Simpson has unearthed some Notes on the Shaftesbury Fire Service from the Gold Hill Museum Archives; and David Grierson reports on a Skeleton in the (Family History) Closet.

Shaftesbury Fire Service
Shaftesbury’s Fire Brigade turns out for a happy event

This event is free to members. Non-members might like to consider joining The S&DHS. £15 for an individual annual membership gives access to next season’s 2019-20 programme as well as supporting the work of Gold Hill Museum.